A wide range of brain functions in artificial man the next 10 years, leading scientists in the building, one can say.
Henry Markram, Director Blue Brain Project, we simulated a mouse brain data. The artificial human brain for mental disorders, the use of specific treatment can be found Ted Global Conference in Oxford. Over two billion people in some brain damage, according to the pain, he said. "It's 10 years in the production of the brain is not impossible, we can do it," he said. If we succeed, "and we talked about Ted, please send a hologram." "Do you wear" In 2005, the Blue Brain Project "and" reverse engineering of the mammalian brain is the inauguration of the laboratory data. In particular, the team focuses on the neocortical column - a reminder of the brain, as a unit of the mammalian neocortex. Neurons Brain team is trying to reverse-engineering
"This is a new heart," he said. To recognize that the social interaction with the complex task, because my father, "it is in mammals. 1000 more in this part of the building the number of people for the successful development of the mouse, when the boat was scared. " And continue to grow, he said. "This is growing at an alarming rate."
In the last 15 years, in addition to Professor Markram and his team, the structure of the neocortical column.
"This is the kind of tropical forest, and a list of bits - the tree, how many of each type, as it is, it could be the position of the tree a tree, tree, what size," he said.
Since the entire communication, the rules and research ", but the nature of the table, the connection to the rules."
The project is now different - some neurons, the construction of thousands of "dozens" Digital artificial neocortical column was adopted - each is a model of the software.
However, every nerve, his team, the most common form is a different pattern of neural circuitry is unique.
"But, you can be the heart of a small, large, different morphologies of neurons may be - should have the same clothes," he said. "And we can explain the nature of how I do not think that is unique." World View
In this model, some algorithms feed the team, came in a super-model. "We all care so you can the need for laptops," he said. "So, you only need a laptop." The computer images of the brain
The study of the brain can picture of the disease Instead, the IBM Blue Gene machine, the 10000-processor.
Simulation to get some clues about how brain research has begun to work. For example, the images of the brain - a flower, I can not - the device to the activities of electricity. "You and the current representation of the system to his own enthusiasm," he said. Finally, see how to extract and recognize the core researchers in the world, the project is a symbol. However, nerve development, science and philosophy, the Blue Brain project is a more practical application. For example, the collection of data on the animals in the world of science - "Noah's Ark", the creation of animal models, researchers can be. "We've always sueopneun animal," says Markram. Also, new information on the diseases of the brain can be. "This planet two billion people suffer from mental illness," said the spectator.
This project provides information about new therapies, "he said. Ted Global Conference on 24 July in Oxford for 21 days in the United Kingdom.
Professor Henry Markram
Henry Markram at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne is a professor. He said that the mind (BMI) 2002 Spirit of the establishment of the institute. Born in South Africa and went to school in College Kearsney. The University of Cape Town, where Rodney Douglas may return to acetylcholine-brain barrier cells in a large map of multi-modal sensory system can be studied medicine and neuroscience. The Ph.D. in NMDA receptor because it takes Neuroscience Menhem Segal portal with the Weizmann Institute of Science, which is so important to remember that the discovery of acetylcholine. Max Planck Institute for the dendrites, where a single sub-threshold activity and action potential propagation in dendrites of return arising from travelers who were seeking calcium. Markram 1992-1993 postdoc in the laboratory of Bert Sakman as Spike time dependent plasticity (STDP) is detected. Henry in 1993, the end of WIS as an assistant professor in which a systematic reverse engineering of the neocortical microcircuitry to start. The other important principles in synaptic synaptic efficacy (RSE) for the redistribution of the search. Misha Tsodyks TM and mathematical model for dynamic synapses develop. He and Wolfgang Maass Liquid Computing "" If he says that never happened in the past May for the members is a big production output may explain how the neural circuit theory developed. Professor, 2002 founder and director of the mind, as an institution for the care of the EPFL. Laboratory investigations of the neural circuit for construction of more advanced technology (12 neurons patch - clamp, a series of parallel optical incentives, etc.). Vincent with the discovery of genes on the long term microcircuit plasticity (LTMP), and mobile connections and synaptic neocortical microcircuitry principles. Kamila Markram Autism and Theory of the world, many new names for a unified theory of autism developed. Henry and the creation of the Blue Brain project, which builds a simulation-based direction for neuroscience research facility. The first model produced by this unit was the neocortical column. Blue Brain Project, biological model construction, super computers, according to the simulation, neuro-scientific and contains advanced 3D scene. Henry techniques and organic mouse, rat, cat, primate of the detailed model as possible and within 10 years, believes that the human mind. It is a series of awards published about 100 papers have been received.